Past Vins: Three State Rosé I am assuming you have had some winemaking experience and know the basics. Amounts given are for a five gallon batch. My latest combination has turned out pretty well. I got some GREAT local (well, sort of local) strawberries incredibly red, and heavily flavored. I don't think commercial California strawberries (alas, for the glory of my home state) will do as well. Three State Rosé
In case it isn't obvious, you should wash and hull the strawberries. Put fruit in nylon straining bags, crush, add the sugar boiled with the water, add chemicals. When cool, add pectic enzyme and 12 hours later pitch the yeast. It foamed a lot, but settled down after a couple of days. It might have benefitted with more fruit, but seems just fine the way it is. So what's your favorite wine recipe? Send e-mail to Terry Garey. Past Vins: | Lemon Mead | Rosé | Dandelion | | Home | Confessions | Of Juice | Winemaking 101 | Vin de Moi | Q/A | Book | Links | Poetry | Copyright © 1997 by Terry A. Garey. |